Source code for bento.bento

"""The fundamental Bento class that ties all of Bento's functionality together."""

import black
import cerberus
import copy
import importlib
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Dict, List
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

from bento import util as butil
from bento import banks, banks_v1, grid, schema, style

from bento.common import logger, logutil, dictutil, codeutil  # noqa

logging = logger.fancy_logger(__name__, fmt="simple")

[docs]class Bento: """Acts as the gateway to all Bento functionality. Initialization Parameters ------------------------- descriptor : dict The descriptor contains all of the user-supplied information defining the desired dashboard. See the user guide for creating a descriptor. init_only : bool Supply True in order to halt the automatic processing of the descriptor. This can be useful for debugging or modifying the standard app-creation process. Attributes ---------- desc : dict This stores the normalized version of the input descriptor. data : dict Contains the data as a dictionary. TODO valid : bool Whether the descriptor meets the schema. If False, will block processing. context : dict Specifies the app for consumption by a Jinja template. Examples -------- Simple: >>> bento = Bento(my_descriptor) >>> bento.write() Advanced: >>> bento = Bento(my_descriptor, init_only=True) >>> test_page = bento.desc["pages"]["test"] >>> bento.create_page("test", test_page) >>> bento.context["pages"]["test"] = alternate_grid_method(test_page) >>> bento.connect_page(test_page) >>> bento.write(app_output="") """ def __init__(self, descriptor: Dict, init_only: bool = False): # TODO Allow easy overriding of templates self.app_template = "" self.baseline_template = "baseline.css.j2" self.theme_template = "theme.css.j2" # Whether the descriptor meets the schema. If False, will block processing self.valid = False # Catches any problems with the input descriptor up front if not self.is_valid(descriptor): logging.warning("Exiting Bento intialization after failed validation") return # Stores a normalized version of the descriptor, ensuring uniformity self.desc = self.normalize(descriptor) # Loads the input data to inform components to the columns, types, etc = self.process_data(self.desc) = banks_v1.BentoBanks( # Generates the initial context object self.init_structure() if init_only: return"Creating the pages:") for pageid, page in self.desc["pages"].items():"#^ {pageid}...") self.create_page(pageid, page) # Specifies and attaches connectors to callbacks self.connect_page(page)"#$+ connected") # @logutil.loginfo(level='debug')
[docs] def is_valid(self, descriptor: Dict) -> bool: """Ensures the descriptor meets the Cerberus schema (see""""#^Testing validity of input descriptor...") validator = cerberus.Validator(schema.descriptor_schema) self.valid = validator.validate(descriptor) if not self.valid:"#$- failed") logging.warning("Descriptor validaiton failed due to the following errors:") logging.warning(validator.errors) else:"#$+ passed") return self.valid
def bankid(self, pagename, bankname, delim="__"): return f"{pagename}{delim}{bankname}" # @logutil.loginfo(level='debug')
[docs] def normalize(self, descriptor: Dict) -> Dict: """Auto-trims and -fills the descriptor. - Removes any dangling bankids, assuming 'banks' keys as source of truth - Generates full bankid (pageid + bankname) - Handle most defaults here so they aren't scattered about """"#^Normalizing the input descriptor...") # TODO Handle IDs here, perhaps with a utility class desc = copy.deepcopy(descriptor) desc["name"] = desc.get("name", "unspecified_name") desc["theme"] = desc.get("theme", "light") desc["data"] = desc.get("data", {}) for data in desc["data"].values(): # The default function call is assumed to be "load" if "call" not in data: data["call"] = "load" if "args" not in data: data["args"] = {} for pagename, page in desc["pages"].items(): # Eliminate keys in connections that aren't in banks page["connections"] = dictutil.common_keys( page.get("connections", {}), page["banks"] ) # Then rekey connections with both page and bank name page["connections"] = { self.bankid(pagename, from_bankname): { self.bankid(pagename, to_bankname, delim="/") for to_bankname in conn } for from_bankname, conn in page["connections"].items() } # Scan the layout for undefined banks and rekey new_layout = [] for old_row in page.get("layout", []): new_row = [] for bankname in old_row: if bankname not in page["banks"]: continue new_item = {"bankid": self.bankid(pagename, bankname)} new_row.append(new_item) new_layout.append(new_row) page["layout"] = new_layout # Scan the sidebar for undefined banks and rekey new_sidebar = [] for bankname in page.get("sidebar", []): is_open = True if bankname.startswith("_"): is_open = False bankname = bankname.replace("_", "") if bankname not in page["banks"]: continue new_item = {"bankid": self.bankid(pagename, bankname)} new_item["title"] = butil.titlize(bankname) new_item["open"] = is_open new_sidebar.append(new_item) page["sidebar"] = new_sidebar # Finally fix the banks new_banks = {} for bankname, bank in page["banks"].items(): bank["args"] = bank.get("args", {}) bank["args"]["uid"] = {"pageid": pagename, "bankid": bankname} default_dataid = page.get("dataid", list(desc["data"].keys())[0]) bank["args"]["dataid"] = bank["args"].get("dataid", default_dataid) new_banks[self.bankid(pagename, bankname)] = bank page["banks"] = new_banks"#$+ done") return desc
def process_data(self, descriptor: Dict) -> Dict:"Loading the dataframes specified:") data = {} for dataid, entry in descriptor["data"].items():" {dataid}:") try: data_module = importlib.import_module(entry["module"]) except ImportError: logging.warning(f"Failed to load {entry['module']}") continue data[dataid] = getattr(data_module, entry["call"])(**entry["args"]) data[dataid]["columns"] = list(data[dataid]["types"].keys())" Loaded Dataframe of shape {data[dataid]['df'].shape}") return data def init_structure(self):"#^Generating initial context object...") # Outputs are a collection of fields provided by banks that are available # to be connected to other banks if the connections are provided # e.g. outputs + connections => connectors self._outputs = {} # Connectors define how the banks/components share information # They specify many-to-many <component_id>.<attribute> mappings # e.g. [axis_control.x_column, axis_control.y_column] -> graph.figure connectors = { "page": { "inputs": [("location", "pathname")], "outputs": [("page", "children")], } } # Callbacks are the boxes that the connectors connect. They take the inputs # and calculate the outputs, triggered when the inputs change. # TODO This needs generalization callback_code = """ # Presumes only a simple url is passed in, probably enough for a template page_id = args[0].replace("/", "") if args[0] else "default" return page_index.get(page_id, list(page_index.values())[0]) """ callbacks = { "page": {"name": "update_page", "code": codeutil.format_code(callback_code)} } # This context contains the info fed into the Jinja template # The main job of the Bento class is to boil down the supplied description # into this context. self._theme_spec = style.BentoStyle( theme=self.desc.get("theme"), theme_dict=self.desc.get("theme_dict") ).spec self.context = { "name": self.desc["name"], "theme_spec": self._theme_spec, "appbar": self.desc.get("appbar", {}), "show_help": self.desc.get("show_help", False), "data": self.desc["data"], "pages": {}, "banks": {}, "connectors": connectors, "callbacks": callbacks, }"#$+ done")
[docs] def create_page(self, pageid: str, page: Dict): """Generates and lays out all banks defined for a page and updates the context A page is composed of a set of banks, arranged based on a supplied layout object (an array of 2+ dim). """ # Prepares the definitions of the bank containers for bankid, bank in page["banks"].items(): # Use new Bank class first, fall back to old system try: bank = self.load_bank(bank) self._outputs.update(bank.outputs) self.context["banks"][bankid] = bank.layout self.context["callbacks"].update(bank.callbacks) self.context["connectors"].update(bank.connectors) except Exception: logging.debug(f"Failed new Bank load for {bankid}") self.context["banks"][bankid] = self.build_bank(bank, page) self._outputs.update( self.context["callbacks"].update( self.context["connectors"].update( # Defines the layout of the page self.context["pages"][pageid] = grid.apply_grid(page)
# @logutil.loginfo(level='debug') def load_bank(self, bank: Dict) -> List: # TODO Eliminate 'args' and perhaps pop type from bank bank_obj = banks._bank_map[bank["type"]](, **bank, **bank["args"] ) # TODO Eliminate dependence on this bank["sizing"] = bank_obj.sizing return bank_obj # @logutil.loginfo(level='debug') def build_bank(self, bank: Dict, page: Dict) -> List: args = {"dataid": ""} # Get any page-level arguments args.update(dictutil.extract("dataid", page, pop=False)) # Overwrite with specific args for bank args.update(bank["args"]) item, sizing = getattr(, bank["type"])(**args) if "width" in bank: sizing["min"][1] = bank["width"] sizing["ideal"][1] = bank["width"] bank["sizing"] = sizing return item
[docs] def connect_page(self, page: Dict): """Applies the requested connections for the page to the Jinja context A page is a set of connected banks, and the connections are defined by a supplied directed graph (dict of sets) of bank_ids. For example, `{'axes': {'map', 'counter'}, 'colors': {'map'}}` tells us the axes bank should feed both the map and counter banks, while our colors bank should feed just the map. """ connections = page.get("connections", {}) # Loop over all pairs of defined sources and sinks for source_bankid, sink_set in connections.items(): for sink_regex in sink_set: for sink_cid, cb_def in self.context["callbacks"].items(): if not, sink_cid): continue # Make sure we have a connector in place if sink_cid not in self.context["connectors"]: # The callback defines what component properties it provides sink_vals = cb_def["provides"] self.context["connectors"][sink_cid] = { "outputs": [(sink_cid, val) for val in sink_vals], "inputs": set(), } # Add any connected inputs # TODO The bankid.replace needs to be improved for cid, var in dictutil.extract( source_bankid.replace("__", "/"), self._outputs, pop=False ).items(): self.context["connectors"][sink_cid]["inputs"].add((cid, var)) # Ensure each callback can trigger, even if nothing feeds it for sink_cid, cb_def in self.context["callbacks"].items(): if sink_cid not in self.context["connectors"]: # The callback defines what component properties it provides sink_vals = cb_def.get("provides") if not sink_vals: continue self.context["connectors"][sink_cid] = { "outputs": [(sink_cid, val) for val in sink_vals], "inputs": {("location", "pathname")}, }
[docs] def write(self, app_output: str = "", css_folder: str = "assets"): """Creates all of the standard Bento output files. This is a convenience wrapper that allows for one simple call to generate all of the application code for the output Bento app, usually a set of Python and CSS files. """ if not self.valid: logging.warning("Descriptor never validated") return"Writing Dash application files:") self.write_template(self.context, self.app_template, app_output) pathlib.Path(css_folder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) spec = style.BentoStyle(theme_dict=self._theme_spec).spec out_file = self.baseline_template.replace(".j2", "") self.write_template(spec, self.baseline_template, f"{css_folder}/{out_file}") out_file = self.theme_template.replace(".j2", "") self.write_template(spec, self.theme_template, f"{css_folder}/{out_file}")
def write_template(self, context, template, output_location): env_args = {"trim_blocks": True, "lstrip_blocks": True} jenv = Environment(loader=PackageLoader(__name__), **env_args) template = jenv.get_template(template) str_output = template.render(context) # TODO Probably harden this against leaks if ".py" in output_location: mode = black.FileMode() try: str_output = black.format_file_contents( str_output, fast=True, mode=mode ) except Exception: logging.warning("Issue using Black to format file output") with open(output_location, "w") as fh: fh.write(str_output)" wrote {output_location}")