API Reference

Bento class

The fundamental Bento class that ties all of Bento’s functionality together.

class bento.bento.Bento(descriptor: Dict, init_only: bool = False)[source]

Acts as the gateway to all Bento functionality.


The descriptor contains all of the user-supplied information defining the desired dashboard. See the user guide for creating a descriptor.


Supply True in order to halt the automatic processing of the descriptor. This can be useful for debugging or modifying the standard app-creation process.


This stores the normalized version of the input descriptor.




Contains the data as a dictionary. TODO




Whether the descriptor meets the schema. If False, will block processing.




Specifies the app for consumption by a Jinja template.




>>> bento = Bento(my_descriptor)
>>> bento.write()
>>> bento = Bento(my_descriptor, init_only=True)
>>> test_page = bento.desc["pages"]["test"]
>>> bento.create_page("test", test_page)
>>> bento.context["pages"]["test"] = alternate_grid_method(test_page)
>>> bento.connect_page(test_page)
>>> bento.write(app_output="modified_test_layout.py")
connect_page(page: Dict)[source]

Applies the requested connections for the page to the Jinja context

A page is a set of connected banks, and the connections are defined by a supplied directed graph (dict of sets) of bank_ids. For example, {‘axes’: {‘map’, ‘counter’}, ‘colors’: {‘map’}} tells us the axes bank should feed both the map and counter banks, while our colors bank should feed just the map.

create_page(pageid: str, page: Dict)[source]

Generates and lays out all banks defined for a page and updates the context

A page is composed of a set of banks, arranged based on a supplied layout object (an array of 2+ dim).

is_valid(descriptor: Dict) → bool[source]

Ensures the descriptor meets the Cerberus schema (see schema.py)

normalize(descriptor: Dict) → Dict[source]

Auto-trims and -fills the descriptor.

  • Removes any dangling bankids, assuming ‘banks’ keys as source of truth

  • Generates full bankid (pageid + bankname)

  • Handle most defaults here so they aren’t scattered about

write(app_output: str = 'bento_app.py', css_folder: str = 'assets')[source]

Creates all of the standard Bento output files.

This is a convenience wrapper that allows for one simple call to generate all of the application code for the output Bento app, usually a set of Python and CSS files.

Descriptor schema

To get a quick sense of the schema, I recommend looking at the following examples:

The full schema follows, which, for now, is a simple dump of the Cerberus schema:

# Page and bank ids, are strings of word characters only with length 2+
# No trailing, leading, or double underscores
bento_uid_regex = r"^(?!_|.*_$|.*__.*)[a-z0-9_]{2,}$"

# One or more words separated by a space
words_regex = r"^\w+( \w+)*$"

page_schema = {
    "banks": {
        "type": "dict",
        "required": True,
        "allow_unknown": True,
        "minlength": 1,
        "keysrules": {"type": "string", "regex": bento_uid_regex},
        "valuesrules": {
            "type": "dict",
            "allow_unknown": True,
            "schema": {
                "type": {"type": "string", "required": True, "regex": bento_uid_regex},
                "width": {"type": "integer"},
                "args": {"type": "dict"},
    "connections": {"type": "dict"},
    "dataid": {"type": "string"},
    "layout": {"type": "list"},
    "sidebar": {"type": "list"},
    "title": {"type": "string"},
    "subtitle": {"type": "string"},

descriptor_schema = {
    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "theme": {"type": "string", "regex": words_regex},
    "theme_dict": {"type": "dict"},
    "appbar": {
        "type": "dict",
        "schema": {
            "title": {"type": "string"},
            "subtitle": {"type": "string"},
            "image": {"type": "string"},
    "data": {"type": "dict"},
    "show_help": {"type": "boolean"},
    "pages": {
        "type": "dict",
        "allow_unknown": True,
        "required": True,
        "minlength": 1,
        "keysrules": {"type": "string", "regex": bento_uid_regex},
        "valuesrules": {"type": "dict", "schema": page_schema},

Utility functions

Test folding

Turns underscores into spaces